Open MMF2 or Fusion 2.5 and insert a new object, you should see your newly installed Extension in the list of available objects! If it doesn't appear, try pressing the Refresh button on the right hand side. If the Extension you have downloaded is contained within a zip file, please follow these steps. To install Extensions downloaded using ExtensionView with Fusion 2.5 please follow the steps described in the images below. It was created by user Jaffob and is a large database collection of Extensions in an easy to use program. If the extension you need isn't listed in the Extensions Manager, then you can try using a third-party program called ExtensionView. The easiest way to install Extensions in Fusion 2.5 can be seen below. Installing Extensions (added functionality) for Multimedia Fusion 2 (MMF2) or Fusion 2.5 is simple! Both processes are relatively the same, except the first one which was introduced with Fusion 2.5. I have seen a few people ask how to go about this in the past few days, so I figured I'd make a quick install guide. This is primarily aimed at new users to Multimedia Fusion 2 and Fusion 2.5.